Monday, April 23, 2007


1st World War, 1st Czechoslovak Republic, 2nd World War and then Communistic era, the Prague Spring and Velvet Revolution that finally brought democracy, followed by very a popular topic for tourists – the separation of Czechoslovakia and the establishment of an independent Czech Republic, as well as the latest chapter in Prague's long history - joining the European Union – and all this all in one century!
Your guide will explain how the life used to be in Communistic satellite countries before the “Iron Curtain” fell, and how Communism affected the life, thinking, architecture and general development of the country. Why the Velvet Revolution happened exactly on the 17th of November, and why this day is a bank holiday for all students, as well as answers to the rather interesting question - why is it Velvet Revolution? Visit of Museum of Communism is included in tour.

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